Tuesday, May 15, 2012

They Can't Afford a Whole Reporter

There's too much unpaid writing going on. Those of you with real jobs might feel the same way sometimes, or most of the time. So get away before you slit your beautiful wrists. Beach over blog. TV over studying. A sickie. A babysitter. (Seriously, it will all be okay.)


Okay, here are some Roger Sterling one-liners.

Here are some more:

Well, I gotta go learn a bunch of people's names before I fire them.

We know there's a black spot on the X-ray - you don't have to keep tapping your finger on it.

She died the way she lived: surrounded by the people she answered phones for.

Damn it, I don't want to die in this office. I almost have twice ... If it looks like I'm going, open a window. I'd rather flatten the top of a cab.

You don't know how to drink. Your whole generation, you drink for the wrong reasons. My generation we drink because it's good. Because it feels better than unbuttoning your collar. Because we deserve it. We drink because it's what men do.

A wooden leg ... They're so cheap they can't even afford a whole reporter.

Look, I want to tell you something because you're very dear to me. And I hope you understand that it comes from the bottom of my damaged, damaged heart. You are the finest piece of ass I ever had and I don't care who knows it. I am so glad I got to roam those hillsides.

You know what my father used to say? Being with a client is like being in a marriage. Sometimes you get into it for the wrong reasons, and eventually, they hit you in the face.

Lane: England won the world cup.
Roger: Cup of what?

I bet there were people walking around in the Bible complaining about kids today.

My mother always said, "Be careful what you wish for because you'll get it. And then people get jealous and try and take it away from you."

And here's a pretty song.

And a pretty picture.

Piccadilly Line

Feel any better? Now let's go get us some enjoyment.


Anonymous said...

The pretty song reminded me when a niece was watching a movie, as the camera went to the piano keys, it reminded her of her grandma playing the piano....."just like her fingers were dancing."

Aly Lawson said...

Love it. Muchas gracias.